If you're teaching online for the first time, use a time-tested model like the 5E for designing lessons. You'll save yourself time creating successful and engaging lessons, making sure you address the key elements of curriculum design. The 5E model, developed by Roger Bybee, is a widely accepted instructional model used in the sciences and STEM/ STEAM curriculum design. Based on a constructivist approach, the 5Es—Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate—encourage student engagement and inquiry.
The 5E Instructional Model
Image Courtesy of Nasa eClips Teacher Toolbox
The videos and documents on this page are the work of Catlin Tucker—Google Certified Innovator, bestselling author, international trainer, keynote speaker, and 2010 Teacher of the Year—who writes and blogs extensively about blended learning and so generously granted permission to use her material.